My Ex Is Dating A Felon: Could I Change Our Child Custody Agreement?

The Family Court has broad discretion on child custody cases. This aggravates the other parent and the other parent wants the tardy parent to lose custody of the child during that day the parent is late. Sought treatment for the child from a licensed mental health professional for suspected sexual abuse. Any parent who allows sexual abuse to continue is him or herself engaging in an act of serious child abuse through neglect. This request includes a declaration and supporting evidence of the abuse.

I’m not sharing because I think I did things the right way from the start. I’m sharing this because I wish I’d had more stories to read as I was going through my divorce and making the decisions that would forever impact my children. I know there will be tears, cries for Mommy, cries for Daddy, forgotten homework folders, and bedtime FaceTime and I miss yous. But I also know, deep down, that this is what’s best for my girls, for our girls.

As mentioned above, there must be a “substantial and continuing change in circumstances” for a judge to modify custody orders. So the key question here is whether your ex dating a new felon is substantial enough of a change to warrant a custody modification. In general, Arizona family law judges respect a parent’s right to move on with a new romantic relationship when things don’t work out with the child’s other parent. However, judges also recognize that sometimes a new partner can be such a bad influence that custody should be changed. Domestic violence and child custody sometimes collide in a family law case. And when they do, much of the focus becomes whether there has been a finding of domestic violence against the accused parent and, if so, whether that is a sufficient reason to lose custody of a child.

Sharing custody with a narcissist is a challenging, frustrating struggle.

Visitation, called parenting time in Michigan, is court-ordered time for each parent to enjoy with their children. If the parents cannot agree on a custody arrangement the court will hold a trial. At the trial, each party can present evidence regarding why their proposed custody arrangement is in the best interests of the child. The court can adopt one party’s proposed custody arrangement or order any custody arrangement it feels is in the child’s best interests.

Child Custody and Job Concerns

If the officer asks you where you’re coming from, and you say “a party over on Elm Street,” the officer now knows there’s a party on Elm Street. You’ll want to know these 17 things about getting out of a speeding ticket. An “interview” is a non-accusatory question and answer session between law enforcement and a witness, victim, or suspect. By contrast, an interrogation is an accusatory process, whose goal is eliciting a confession.

Expect that you will have to work out when you will see each other. There may be weeks when you won’t be able to see each other at all because you’re likely very busy too. Dating a single parent with full custody can be difficult. Don’t expect a partner who can fly away on a last minute trip or drop everything and meet you for a drink. Likely, they have to do something like chaperone a church lock-in all weekend or rush to drop one of their kids off at soccer practice.

Emily had in recent months been linked to serial dater Pete Davidson. She filed for divorce from her film producer ex-husband Sebastian Bear-McClard in September. The 34-year-old star told his friend that he was in Kensington and Chelsea prison and needed him to pick him up. To make it even more believable, Jamie used Google Translate to read out a message at the start of the call, and Alex was hooked, line and sinker. Nicole invites Chris to goat yoga with her father in an effort for them to have a chance to bond and get to know one another. Afterward, her father gives his new son-in-law more insight into his daughter.

Court Order Restricting Ex’s New Partner

None of this guarantees that your modification will be granted, as judges prefer to keep consistency in a child’s schedule, not to overturn their own orders, and discourage repeated litigation over custody issues. Is my ex’s girlfriend/boyfriend allowed around my kids? In most cases, the answer to the question above will be, “Yes.” Typically, he or she is allowed to be around the child and/or babysit during your ex’s parenting time.

Courts in Michigan use 12 factors called the best interest factors to determine what custody arrangement is in the best interests of the child/children involved. Michigan child custody attorneys provide answers to frequently asked questions with regards to Michigan child custody laws. You are not the first person to find yourself attempting to raise strong, confident, loving children with someone you feel is crazy.

Parenting Essential Reads

However, if the living situation is a risk to the child’s physical safety or emotional well-being, the court may limit that parent’s custody. It might order supervised visitation, require visits to take place in public or limit who can be around the child. While setting out on a custodial battle, you ought to acknowledge that it is never past the point where it is possible to turn into a decent parent . You know that you want the best for your child – but so does your ex. So, you need to show the court that you are more than capable of handling your kids than your ex –while dating another man/woman.

Whether you’re ready to be a stepparent, whether you’ll be a good one, if you should cut loose and look for a less complicated relationship elsewhere. Take this as an opportunity to feel them out yourself. Dating a single parent with full custody can be difficult, and you want to know that you’re just as in as they are.

The question of child custody can always be reexamined by the court. If a judge finds that it’s in the best interest of your children to change the custody of your kids to the other parent, then the judge can order this. State law varies as to whether a judge can consider your living with someone to be a negative factor in deciding whether or not custody arrangements should be modified. In a low-conflict stepparenting situation, the timeline from dating someone with kids to feeling like a functional blended family is typically shorter. In a high-conflict co-parenting situation, the natural process of blending your family gets set back over and over again with each battle between households; gaining ground is that much harder.

Co-Parenting After Divorce – Includes a checklist of what to include in a co-parenting plan. It’s a good idea to avoid “taking” your child from the other parent so that you don’t risk interrupting or curtailing a special moment. Drop off your child at the other parent’s house instead. Whether you decide to designate one parent to communicate primarily with health care professionals or attend medical appointments together, keep one another in the loop. Try to follow similar systems of consequences for broken rules, even if the infraction didn’t happen under your roof. So, if your kids have lost TV privileges while at your ex’s house, follow through with the restriction.

Everyone’s emotional barometers are way out of whack, including your own. But the more people who get sucked into whatever drama is at hand, the worse and messier and all-encompassing it becomes. Divorced parents coddle their kids to pieces because they’re always afraid their kids might choose the other parent over them.This dynamic leads to super dysfunctional parent-child relationships. The kids end up with all the power, which breeds entitlement and disrespect. A cute, friendly-looking house that at first you were super excited to move into, but after living there for awhile you realize maybe isn’t as nice as it seemed in photos.